Sunday, November 2, 2008

Bedtime Stories


We were eating in front of the TV during lunch time today, as it was raining heavily outside so we decided to stay indoors instead.

Guess what was showing on TV?

Power Rangers!

It used to be one of Jason's favourite shows and we spent quite a lot of money buying him those big toys; around S$100+ each. I think we have a complete collection of it and I have not disposed of them till today.

Anyway, my wife was reminding us that Jason used to make us tell him bedtimes stories involving Power Rangers.

The funny thing was that we would make up the stories and in no time, we were actually mumbling or deviated from the story as we actually were falling asleep. Jas would nudged us or woke us up as we were talking nonsense.....ha...ha...ha...

It is true and we both have gotten into such a situation many times...!

Ah... those were the days.....

BTW, Jas seldom slept earlier than mid-night no matter how early we all retired to bed.

And it is even worst, if we played with him in bed as he would be so alert and cannot sleep but we were so tired from work!

DO you have similar experiences...?


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