My wife and I attended a talk on retirement matters and we have this speaker talking about family issues.
He was Simon Sim and we enjoyed his talk tremendously.
I went to look for his book, The Family CEO - Building a Happy and Successful Family, and found it in our Bedok community library.
I found it very easy to read and it is also so localised that we, Singaporeans, should be able to associate with what he wrote.
There are a few salient points that I remembered from his talk and his book.
One of them was that my wife, or your spouse, is like a 'freehold property' as you will age and retire with her but your kids are 'leasehold property' as they will leave you after 18 or 21 years of age. So invest more time to build a lasting relationship with your spouse than your kids.
I think it is very true though parents tend to make a lot of sacrifices for their kids even if at the expense of their spouses.
Another point is that if we repeat what we say to our kids, they will consider it as nagging! Ha...ha....
And we worry so much about PSLE but we should be focusing on his PSLE which means Please Show Love and Encouragement to your kids instead.
The book is a good read and highly recommended but I cannot totally agree that I would or could follow his approach in bringing up his kids; eg his kids have to pay their own way to tertiary education by working part-time, etc.....
So check it out and happy reading.....
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