Thursday, March 26, 2009

Gaming - Parents Be Aware


I have written about gaming earlier but am compelled to say a few more words about it since there was this article published recently.

We cannot run away from gaming or deprieve our kids from it as they are born into this digital age.

Importantly, I must stress that parents must be aware of the gaming that they are involved and manage it well.

Do not fall into the trap whereby you used gaming to keep them occupied and give you some free time or time to do your chores.

If you get involved and manage it well early, I do not see any problem with gaming.

If you only notice the addiction or so-called violence in your kids when they are in their early teens or puberty, it will be very tough indeed to correct them.

Jason was exposed to PC gaming at the early age of 4 but I was there to guide him and even played with him.

At one stage, we have PS2 and Xbox consoles in addition to PC. If managed well, all these can be home entertainment and help in family bonding.

The latest craze is the Wii and it has been reported that family members got together to play games like tennis and golf.

Jason wanted one but I refused his request as he wanted to play this game, Guitar Hero.

He has 3 real or proper guitars so why has a game to press buttons on a toy guitar, I asked him! He told me it is the challenge to play the game.

Anyway, I managed to convince him that it is a bit too expensive as a set will cost about S$500 and his guitar is about SS$300. I rather upgrade his guitar instead than a toy guitar, make sense isn't it?

You may also want to read my earlier posts at

Our children are known as Digital Natives and we the Digital Immigrants....!

Happy Parenting.....


P.S. BTW, the whole family ,including our maid, is now playing this PC game called Bejeweled Twist. We are competing yet sharing strategies on how to get the highest score. So if we manage it well, this can also bond us in addition to being a source of family entertainment.

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