June school holidays are here in Singapore.
Due to the swine flu, I am sure that we are unlikely to be travelling overseas and take unnecessary chances.
So how to spend your time?
Well, besides going out to shopping malls, zoo, bird park, etc.....I would strongly suggest watching a movie or two or even watching TV at the comfort of your home.
Yes, watching TV!
But you should be selectively in the type of shows that you are watching and also take the opportunities to instill some principles or values in them using the theme of the TV show.
But never use the TV to occupy them so that you can have your own time or do your chores. If you must then do not make it a habit.
To improve our Mandarin, we watch some of the Channel 8 serials and at times we even covered up the English subtitles.
Besides watching sports like EPL soccer which is a great bonding time between father and son, most likely. But my wife does join in too and we have fun cheering for our team... MU!
At one time, we also watch a lot of documentaries like National Geography and we enjoyed it tremendously.
However, you should avoid shows that are too scientific, scary or horror unless your kids is old enough to know what is real or fake. Even if you explain to them, they may be scare and will have an imprint in their mind and it may haunt them.
We used to enjoy watching X-Files together in bed but looking back, I think it was a bad idea. Though I do not notice any bad effect on Jason but I think he was a bit too young for it; below 8 years old.
We have some good moments though; like the movie, Titanic. Though he was only about 4+ then, we explained the story line to him. We love the song so much that we memorised the lyrics and sang it in bed almost every night. The main actor in the show was named Jack and when we got our puppy beagle.... guess what we named it?
Jack the puppy beagle, came into our life!
TV or movies can be a great teaching tool, but only if we use it wisely.
Happy Parenting....
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