We wish our Chinese friends a very Happy & Prosperous
Chinese New Year !
Traditions are important and we, as parents, should teach them to our kids though it is getting more challenging as even ourselves have lost some of the practices in this modern society.
I told Jason that reunion dinner or lunch and the visiting of the elders in the family on the 1st day of Chinese New Year are mandatory.
So he is told not to make any appointments with his friends on such occassions; eg he would typically has some school activities on Saturdays but we were having our reunion lunch a week earlier at my mum-in-law home, so I gave him ample notice to be present and it is not negotiable.
I am glad that he appreciates the tradition and even learned to greet his grandparents in Cantonese.
I was disappointed that one of his cousins did not attend the reunion lunch and I was given to understand that he went out with his friends instead.
Well, I do not blame the tennage boy but hold his parents responsible instead. It is sad indeed as the boys can to see each other like once a year only!
Similarly, I have make it a habit to take a family photo on the first day of Chinese New Year at home before we go visiting. After all, we are all dressed in new clothing and looking at our very best so it is a perfect occassion to ahve a family photo taken indeed.
Sad to say, many of my adult relatives are camera shy and do not want their photo taken during reunion dinner and when we meet on the 1st day of Chinese New Year.
What a pity!
If the adults do not co-operate how do we expect their children to do so.
Fortunately, Jason managed to catch up with 2 of his cousins and they consented to have a photo taken together, as shown below.